Brothers and Boyfriends

Life is returning to something like normal here in Austin. We’re not freezing in the dark due to the combined incompetence and greed of profits-first private industry and a complacent state government. Nor are we broiling, due to climate change. The “heat cap” over the western U.S. has dissipated, for the moment, and Texas is back down to its normal sizzling summer temperatures. Austin mostly avoided blackouts, possibly because so many houses have solar panels reducing the load on the electrical grid during peak hours.

Most important, my husband and I are doing normal things again, like eating out. Even crowded and noisy restaurants are fun now, although we usually go early to miss the big crowds.

We got vaccinated as soon as possible. I spent a lot of time online fighting for appointments. Now, it’s easy. You can just walk into a pharmacy and get a shot. I don’t understand the people who refuse to be vaccinated, but I’ve always been into science. At the risk of sounding like a 1960s TV character, their behavior is illogical. It ignores the evidence and goes strictly on emotion (and sometimes politics).

I’ve just published My Brother’s Boyfriend, a steamy tale of a big black stud, the horny college student who lusts after him, and the student’s “gay when his girlfriend’s away” roommate.

This is almost a mirror image of My Girlfriend’s Sister. This time, the characters are all gay men and the protagonist “seduces” the title character (although little seduction is required), rather than the opposite. And My Brother’s Boyfriend has hot all-gay three-way sex.

My next book will be Love Peak, the third book in my Bi Trick series. I’ll be publishing it on September 1.

I’m publishing a book every other month, so I have time to work on Jack Hammer: Dick Diamond, my latest gay romantic thriller starring hard-boiled gay private investigator Jack Hammer. I’m not a very fast writer and the Jack Hammer books are a lot longer and much more complicated to write than my usual books. I’m making good progress with Dick Diamond, but it still has a long way to go.

If you can’t wait to experience the Jack Hammer books’ mixture of hard-core gay sex and hard-boiled noir, Jack Hammer: King’s Ransom is available now.

And Long Hard Riders, a gay cowboy romance, will be coming soon.


I’m writing this on Memorial Day. For me, this is always a time for reflection. It’s necessary to look back occasionally. I try not to live in the past, but you don’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been.

I got my second Covid shot almost three weeks ago. My husband and I are now fully vaccinated. We both got our second shots in the parking lot of the Tony Berger Center, which is a giant facility. It was drive-thru vaccinations and the level of organization was outstanding!

It always amazes me what we can do when we work together. Shame on those people who do nothing but divide us! And double-shame on those who don’t feel free unless they can take away other people’s freedom!!

And while I’m on my soapbox, triple-shame on those who restrict voting and undermine elections!!! Voting is the only way We the People have any say over how things are run. If that’s taken away, what do we have left?

All right, rant over. I’ll be publishing My Brother’s Boyfriend on July 1. You can read a short story and a sample from the book right now.

I’ve usually been publishing one book per month. I’m going to be slowing that down for a while so I can finish Jack Hammer: Dick Diamond, my latest gay romantic thriller starring hard-boiled gay private investigator Jack Hammer. I’m not a very fast writer and the Jack Hammer books are a lot longer and much more complicated to write than my usual books. Dick Diamond has been on hold for way too long and I need to finish it.

If you can’t wait to experience the Jack Hammer books mixture of hard-core gay sex and hard-boiled noir, Jack Hammer: King’s Ransom is available now.

As you can see from the Ken James Fiction Home page, I have lots more books in the pipeline. They’ll be coming soon.